Thursday, November 25, 2010


Seems as though I see myself in a more masculine manner. I have never called myself an artist, nor have I ever pretended to be. I have always admired art and admire everyone who is so talented, but then I forget that art is not restricted to paintings and drawings, art is in everything we do in passion. 
I am proud of this self-portrait because it finally made me proud of a piece of my work. It took one little lesson from a very gifted artist to expand my artistic being.
It makes sense to create at this point in my life. School may be a big portion of who I am and something I have worked so hard for, but art drives me in a dimension incomprehensible to the science of which I love so much. However, there is so much art in science and maybe one day I can bring it together in the sane way I picture it and be able to translate it to paper or canvas or whatever else I will dabble in. 


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