My little Rainbow Lorikeet, a work in progress, much like my degree. I know I am not the best painter, but the things I do are just to clear my head. The things I try to create come from an emotional place. I suppose these little artistic things mitigate the stress I may feel. My outlets are boundless, as am I. It's so hard at times to navigate through all these emotions. But this is life and I am in it and I am trying to swim with it and not against it. I have given in to Brisbane, I know it's expensive here. However, I have managed to feel acclimatized. Now, 7 bucks for coffee and a muffin is not so bad. I am going to love being back in NY and finding everything so damn cheap.
You do learn some much about yourself being far away from your usual environment. I know the things I need to work on and I am finally acknowledging my strengths and trying to expand upon them. I am just trying to be happy, although, so much of my happiness is in NY. I have heard so many stories of how people get to where they are in life and now I appreciate my not so so straight forward road. I may have taken some turns and gotten lost along the way, but I know the results I want and I shall accomplish them. I finally, in my 29 years of age are starting to feel like an adult and like I am finally solidifying my dreams. I am glad I didn't let fear get the best of me. As uncomfortable as it may feel sometimes, those moments are what really mold us.
